Hospitality Heart
Today I learned that George Lucas stayed at our hotel. Of course, we didn't know it until he left. I wonder if he felt welcome, at home (being unnoticed), or did he miss being called by name. Our resort is about our most resorts...meeting not only the needs of people but going beyond their needs to pamper them. Make them feel special.
This is something a humble man in HOTEL RWANDA did every day. His name was Paul. He loved excellence, loved his job, and loved and knew the people he served. As I watched this movie, I thought of how different it is here in America. I admire this man...this general manager of a hotel. He did what he was gifted to do....take care of the needs and wants of people...make them feel at home....even in the midst of a horrible horrible tradegy. He saved serving them.
I think about how easily I get rattled at work or even in my personal life when there is a tradegy. How do you keep your do you "do your job"? I guess you do it the same way Paul did...the same way Christ take the focus off of you and put the focus on the job at hand. Meeting others needs. Washing their feet. Feeding them. Housing them. Bathing them. Putting them to bed.
My heart is heavy with saddness even now ...thinking of those people...I wonder how Christ's heart felt when He thought of us on the cross?
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