Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Interview was a trip

So yesterday I get the call to come and interview with the GM of Sycamore Springs. So I suit up, do my hair, and put on some heels. He comes to meet me and asks if we can talk in the restruant. Sure. (Now looking back I remember a girl mopping or something.) Yep you guessed it: a new shinning slick hardwood floor and Melodee's heels..not a good combination. My back foot flew out from under me. So (without thinking of course) I reached out for his arm (he was ahead me) and grabbed hold. I didn't wax but I instantly crack up laughing. Cool I almost wiped out. So much for being graceful. Good thing I didn't go for waitress. I didn't hear a word he said for about 5 minutes bc I just wanted to laugh really hard out loud.

Anyway so you would think I'm going for vice president here...they take their interviewing seriously. Anyway they are checking references (which seriously should have already been done) and then I should have a job. Praise. I have mixed feeling but I think its bc I just keep thinking ...this isn't my dream job. I don't know what I want to be ....and then I think I just need a job. You know go to work and come home. And good news I would not have to work weekends. Nice real nice. In the meantime, I am doing some extra work for Susie. A huge blessing. God is good and provides.

I'm trying to figure out how to upload picts .....but we will see how that works out.=) Big love ..melodee


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