Wardrobe PLEASE!
Until yesterday, there was a very good chance that Jeff and I were going to be living in a "van down by the river." But PRAISE GOD, who is always on time, we have the keys to our very first home. The Cranks HOUSE! Jeff had gone to hang out with Jesse, our soon to be new neighbor and friend from our lifegroup, so afterward he called and of course I wanted to see our new place. Never mind that it was 11 pm....I wanted to see it with him. So I pulled on my Ugg wanna bes and headed out the door. I picked up and Jeff. With a giddy attitude, we headed up the stairs to our new place. We turned on every light and began to dream about how we would decorate and were things would go etc. We thanked God and reluctantly left our new home.
Then Jeff suggested we celebrate with a little fast food which is hard to find in San Luis at eleven pm. Not to mention, HELLO Melodee eating any kind of fast food before bed isn't usually good idea but what the heck we were celebrating with french fries and tacos.
It wasn't until, Jeff opened the door to Carl's Junior that I realized I was in my pj's and even had on my BATHROBE to boot. Funny neither Jeff or I had realized this to that very moment.....so we laughed at me and got in line. We ordered and went to get drinks. With two drinks in hand I sat down and as jeff was saying "hey?.." I am noticing there are gift certificates on the table. I'm like why did he buy gift certs....as I pick them up ....I glance up to ask him this only to find myself staring at a complete stranger. Wow....here I am in my pjs and bathrobe sitting with strangers taking their gift certificate.......all i could do was laugh and apologize. Nice timing since HIS girlfriend was returning. Yeah Jeff was no where in sight. ....so just sat down amused at myself. He eventually came out of the bathroom....to laugh at me again.
Isn't it funny how neither Jeff or I caught on to my "wardrobe" until we were about to step into Carl's junior.....and then it was like DUH you have on a robe. Aren't we like that many times with our spiritual lives? We walk around unprepared or with a little sin wrap around us and then we set into public (or into the light) and it is all the sudden so obvious. And our eyes have become so adjusted to the night that we dont realize how silly we are.