Friday, September 28, 2007

Josie helps daddy.

Josie has been a HUGE help. She is reading and editing daddy's thesis...even though she her dress is casual she is all business when she is giving her insight. Now she just needs to get big enough to type. =)


Josie's playard has a mobile with brown puppies...Nothing special but when you start to wind it....the girl LOVES her puppies...she gets so excited and you see some of her best smiles. She is "talking" more and more....her and her daddy share secrets. And her smiles are getting larger and sweeter....nothing like your daughter smiling at you to make you want to cry with joy. She also seems to have been blessed with her daddy's eyelashes......she is already a a heartbreaker...but she only has eyes for puppies! (and daddy..duh)

Nap Time

Not sure what I was doing (bc hello before me Jeff didn't even nap) but I came around the corner to find EVERYONE napping. Pretty darn cute.

Josie meets Mac & Millie!

Jeff's grandparents, Mac and Millie, are here in Cali for a visit. They are celebrating 60 years of marriage! Josie had the opportunity to hang out with her great grandparents and even continue a family tradition of taking a bath in the kitchen sink. (She wasn't to happy about it....but she smelled a whole lot better)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

One Month!

Last Sunday marked one month of Miss Josie Kayleen being in this world. It was also her 2 time in church. And her second time to "light up her shorts" in church....and yes she does it when we are praying or all is quiet. (Jeff and I shake with laughter....hoping the people around us don't think it was us..bc the noise is BIG.) Jeff and I continue to give praise to God for the privledge of being Josie's parents. We are so thankful.
Josie had her one month appt today. She now weighs 9 lbs 10 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long. Dr. says she is excellent and right on track. Always good for a mom to hear.
She is locking onto eyes now. Cooing and smiling and even interacting with her toys. She tracks very well. Of course we think she is advanced...I mean duh......all those years of me keeping my body in prime condition (sonic drinks....hamburgers ..fries....bueno) has to pay off. =)
Wish you all could see her for yourself. I must admit I long for Texas to share my girl with my friends and family. ...I especially wish my mom was here to share in this time. Makes my heart a little sad. sigh.....someday soon we will travel to Texas.
Oh these picts were taken today after a bath...I was letting Josie "air out".....however our photo session didn't last too someone (not me) peed on the bed.

Just a Swingin'

This week we got Josie a SWING! Yeah...not only for Josie but for Mommy. This wonderful invention has given Mommy time to do some things around the house.