Simple Thoughts
So yesterday was a gorgeous day in San Luis..even I was warm. It was very spring like...well Texas spring (it would be considered summer here). Anyway Jeff and I went on a nice long walk which included some hills. Yeah! Anyway I was powerwalking and notice these beautiful yellow and orange wildflowers. Of course, I took some time to pick some. It was kind of annoying carrying them in my little sweaty palm but worth once I cut them and put them in a little glass of water. They are bright yellow and orange and ad just a little fun to our living room. They make me happy. My thought is simple, last night when I went to bed. I thought awe how sweet the flowers have gone to bed too. They were closed up for the night. And then I thought about dark and light. How in light (sunshine) we open up...are muscles loosen...our minds are more positive and we can just see God in more things. And then in darkness.......wether sin, or circumstance.......we close up...we want to "sleep" until the sun comes......funny how even nature..doing just what it was "made" to do......(sun=open up and show beauty..soak it in: darkness=close up tight and wait for morning) relveals God's word.