It is already September, and so many things have happened since I last posted. Like in June Jeff graduated from Cal Poly with a Master's degree. That is also when we aquire Mac, Jeff's graduation gift. He is a cat guy. We moved to the ranch house..which I did post pictures of that.
We have been on the boat as much as possible this summer but still not that much...and now the water is getting a little cooler. However, I have progressed. I can now go over the wake and I just want to jump it so bad. (Not so good at that)
I have been off work for two months. I only planned for one but work is tricky around here. And I turned down a really good job bc of the schedule...I would only see Jeff one day. You would think when you choose family over a job that God would just bless you with an even better job. =) Well not so....not yet. I have applied and applied...I even got a reject letter from Target. Now that is sad...and hard on the ol' self esteem. I currently have a job at a coffee shop off the downtown square. They open next Saturday. And I bought (ok Jeff did) some design programs in hopes that I can pick up some freelance work. I just keep seeking and praying that God will light a path. Provide life here.
I have been convicted with Phil everything without complaining. And I'm also studying the Isrealites....hmm....I have cried. Complained. and Cried. I miss Texas. I hate how expensive and hard it is here. But two weeks ago...I shut my mouth. And am working mentally on.."This is home" Tricky though doesn't seem that way...Texas isn't home and neither is Cali. And with mom being gone...I just feel a little ...not anchored..I don't know I can't describe it.
Praises. I do have a job. Jeff and I found another small/home group here in Paso Robles that we enjoy and for the first time in a long time...I felt like "texas melodee" when I was meeting new people. I have connected with my neighbor who happens to be the boss's wife. I am slowly but surely making friends. Young Life. I met with the director and even went to the high school for lunch this week. I am way pumped about that. So different here....2200 lunch. ..and they are all outside. Even the lockers are outside. And most students don't drive. My guess..small town and most families can't afford to buy a car. Students in Texas..that is such a luxury...thank your parents and don't take that for granted.
I was reminded recently that all we really have is our testimony. Our story. And if I am complaining...without Joy....fearful....and stubborn..then what does that say about me. About my God. I am surrounded by those that do not know Christ and I was convicted that I have not represented well in this past year. I have been too self focused. sigh....hard to admit but true.
So things are hard....but good. Guess as a Christian you can appreciate the joy in that.
The grapes are velvet purple now. Sweet. Harvest is close. Watching and walking among the vines every day have taught me is slow in coming...and sometimes it seems there is nothing more you can do but wait....wait for the sugar levels to rise so that you can harvest. And then the process starts all over again. The only way to get good to have good fruit. How true is that.
deep breath--so I keep praying that in time. Jeff and I will see good fruit here. That we can be apart of harvest for the Lord. Funny thing is ..I don't think you ever perfect see with farming and in ministry ...if you farm for 20 years. You have only harvested 20 times. That isn't a big number, and every year the conditions vary....never the same. True to life as well.
My prayer for me..and for that you realize the impact and the weight of the only thing we have to offer: our testimony, our story. Does yours reflect John 10:10...full life. Joy. Or is satan creepin....Take back and claim Ps 51......the Joy of your salvation.
I miss ya'll. And would love love to have Sonic or Chick fil a with you. (I did discover crushed ice at am/pm this new sonic. )